I thought about going back and 'blogging' about my first birth session for my first post, but since those pics are on my external hard drive and I can't find the USB cable for it, I figured I'd go ahead and start with my most recent session, seeing as it's the first one I've officially done under the new name!!
So, as a small disclaimer, y'all should know that although I love every birth that I attend, I have a very special place in my heart for those that I attend along side the ladies of Peak Midwifery (I suppose it's because I shot my first birth session there) . So needless to say when an expecting mom, that I knew was seeing the midwives at Peak, messaged me I was thrilled about photoing her birth (also because, at the time, I thought I would be my last session for the year).
We all arrived at the birth center around 8am and just a few mins after 12 noon Gemma was welcomed into the world by her parents, midwives, big sister, and grandma. It was a beautiful birth of a beautiful baby girl that, as always, I was honored to get to witness. Okay, enough talking.. I think the pictures will speak for themselves.